Don’t forget about the silver lining…
Maiden, mother and crone. It has spoken to me for a long time, and it feels like it is the divine trinity for the feminine. Almost like the equivalent for the father, son and the holy spirit. When I have felt the most lost and alone, I have felt something within that has touched me, and soothed me. A name came forth so naturally. ”Gamlemor”, in swedish. It means ”Old mother”. Her loving tenderness has soothed me many times, when I have found myself isolated in my own anxiety and sorrows.
I had a dream some time ago, where I was both the young and older women, and how I could see that the younger women was given all the attention and praise (like a mirror for something bigger, the collective in our society today). And it angered the old and wise part of me, the universe or what to call it. She was so strong and powerful, only a look from her could shake the younger women to their core, to see and understand. She demanded not in in a needy way, but in a respectful and pride way, to have her rightful place in this life. She is necessary for every tribe to evolve and learn. And I could feel how she is necessary for me, to evolve and learn. It was powerful beyond words when I started to connect to her. And as I did, silver hairs has recently been found on my head. And instead of hiding them in shame, I wear them with pride. Every part of the trinity is holy, and I never want to forget about ”Old mother”. She is where I go to search for my inner peace and always feel safe. And I bow to her knowledge and strength.