Extended family
As I wrote my earlier post about parenting a preteen, I realized only afterwards I missed giving credit to someone very important. Saying I did all of the single parenting by myself when Jamila was younger would not be a fair view of it. Because when Jamila was a baby, a very significant person stepped in and was there over a 100% for me and her. This person is no regular woman, in fact, I have never met anyone even close to her. Because which normal 16 year old would rather spend weekend nights with a young mom and a baby? I tell you who. Natalie. And damn did we have fun too. Spending our wekeends in playgrounds, we did not feel sorry for ourselves. And once in a while when we got a childfree night, we spent it having the times of our life’s every time. She is so damn hardcore amazing and I’ve always said she was born to be a mother. And I guess that’s why she sort of became a bonus-mother for Jamila. And even for me sometimes, lol. Now when she got her own 1 year old, I often think how lucky that kid is. To have her as a mother is truly a gift. And I am so excited to see him grow up with every oppurtunity of this world, that I know his mother will provide for him.
When I think back at my life at 15, going to school and juggling stuff at home with my own apartment, kid, dog and cats… I have no idea how my life would’ve looked like if it wasn’t for Natalie. She was always there. The most reliable person I know. One of the persons I felt absolutely most safe with leaving Jamila to. I would trust her with my life, and Jamilas too. When I freak out about boarding an airplane she is still the one who I call, almost crying and saying ”you will take Jamila if I would die, right!?” And she always says ”shut up, but of course I will.”
I will always consider her family, someone in the inner circle of my life. It doesn’t even matter that we sometimes are truly shitty at keeping contact for longer periods. When we talk she is still one of those I trust the most with my hardships. I don’t think I’ve ever had a awkward moment with this person. She has often carried the weight for me when I have been too weak. And never made me feel any less worth because of it. Like literally. Just look at this picture below. She carried ALL OF OUR MOVING BOXES when me and Jamila moved from the northern sweden to Uppsala. (although, even if she truly is wonder women, they were empty! Haha!)